Food stability model: A framework to support decision-making in a context of climate change
Publicado: 22/10/2020 - 12:29
Última modificação: 27/05/2021 - 11:34
Docente(s): Samuel Borges Barbosa
Pesquisadores e colaboradores envolvidos: Prof. Dr. José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, Prof. Me. João Marcelo Pereira Ribeiro, Prof. Me. Issa Ibrahim Berchin
Projeto de pesquisa vinculado: Projeto BRIDGE - Building Resilience In a Dynamic Global Economy: complexity across scales in the Brazilian food-water-energy nexus
Linha de pesquisa: [Linha de Pesquisa 2] Produção do espaço: processos urbanos projeto e tecnologia
Instituições envolvidas: Centro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (GREENS), Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (Unisul), Florianópolis, BR / Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance, (CEENRG), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Financiamento: FAPESC/CONFAP (Brasil) e Research Councils United Kingdom (Reino Unido)
Descrição resumida da atividade: Global environmental changes coupled with socioeconomic changes are major challenges to food security. Changes in climate affect most food crops, particularly in countries that rely on agriculture for subsistence. The article proposes a model to analyze food stability in the context of climate change. Genetic improvement, agrobiodiversity, sustainable intensification, climate monitoring, and market monitoring were considered key perspectives for the balanced scorecard to achieve stability in food production. The set of perspectives and indicators were validated by 185 experts, which supported the creation of a balanced scorecard map to assist decision-making. Therefore, the model could serve as an addition to FAO's approach to food security, driving actions related to global food policy. This research can also assist governmental policies to mitigate the effects of climate change on food stability around the world.
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