Participação como Speaker no 10th Brazilian-German Frontiers of Science and Technology Symposium 2019, na Sessão de Circular Economy
Publicado: 31/05/2021 - 09:30
Última modificação: 31/05/2021 - 09:30
Docente(s): Viviane dos Guimarães Alvim Nunes
Título da palestra: Products and Services in a Circular Economy: Challenges for Achieving a Sustainable Balance of Offerings and Needs
Projeto de pesquisa vinculado: Design para a Sustentabilidade: projetar Sistemas Produto-Serviço Sustentáveis (S.PSS) em economias distribuídas
Linha de pesquisa: [Linha de Pesquisa 2] Produção do espaço: processos urbanos projeto e tecnologia
Instituições envolvidas: UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Financiamento: CAPES e Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Números de impacto: 60 pesquisadores
Descrição da atividade: The contemporary society is facing a challenging scenario, especially related to the current production-consumption-disposal system standard. The urgent shift of unsustainable practices demands collective, systemic and continuous efforts, in different scales of intervention. We believe that these efforts can enable alternatives to both reduce the production-consumption cycle and better reuse and/or recycle (useful) waste. The speech intended to share three research experiences oriented towards Design for Sustainability, which included interconnected and interdependent approaches: 1) a PhD research within the handcrafted furniture sector of Uberlandia/MG/Brazil (2010-2013) and two further researches (CNPq-2015/2018 and FAPEMIG-2017/2019), which were aimed at investigating new composites and alternative uses/destinations for ‘useful’ waste; 2) collected case studies on the Circular Economy in Brazil (Ellen MacArthur Foundation), among them: AHLMA (co-creation of clothes with leftover material), CBPAK (tray and cups produced with a material based on the cassava plant), eStoks (service to minimize the amount of electronic waste); and 3) Design of Sustainable Product+Service Systems (S.PSS) - this international research is part of the LeNS (Learning Network on Sustainability/POLIMI-Italy). More than 150 universities all over the world are collaborating to create a new curriculum to teach PSS solutions in design schools. In order to illustrate the product+service system approach, Brazilian and world cases of PSS will be presented.
Expectativa de impacto: Os impactos da atividade estão relacionados às áreas ambiental, social, cultural, econômico, educacional e tecnológico, visto que o encontro científico visou ao compartilhamento de pesquisas e as reflexões sobre ações possíveis em vários campos do conhecimento, especialmente articulados em 4 sessões técnicas: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE; CIRCULAR ECONOMY; GENETIC ENGINEERING e RESILIENCE ENGINEERING.
Divulgações na mídia:
- Geovana Blayer de Assis, Stella Teles Barros;
Em andamento
- Isabella Gomes de Marco
- Anamaria Ribeiro de Lima Carvalho
- ARIEL Machado Sánchez, Geruza de Oliveira Resende
GRADUAÇÃO: finalizados
- Itamar Salles da Silva,
- Andressa Nunes da Silveira Bernardo,
- Márcia Cristina Gomes dos Santos Fernandes,
- Lucas Cândido Barbosa, Leonardo de Oliveira Bonaldi;
Em andamento
- Giuseppe Iannarelli Junior
- Tatiane Xavier da Silva